Heat Interface Unit
What is a heat interface unit (HIU)?
A heat interface unit (HIU) is a vital component of modern heating systems in residential and commercial buildings where installed. It acts as a bridge between the District/ Communal heating system and the heating and hot water circuits in each individual property.
At its core, a HIU works by receiving hot water from the District/ Communal heating system and using it to heat the water that circulates in the individual heating circuits. This is usually done through a heat exchanger, which transfers the heat energy from one circuit to another.
The hot water at your taps is usually set to a pre-determined temperature at the unit and the heating radiators or Underfloor Heating controlled by a standard or smart thermostat like a more traditional boiler heating system.

Heat interface units
Heat Interface Units in individual properties are usually the responsibility of the homeowner or leaseholder and not the block or estate management teams, they only tend to cover the issues relating to the district/ communal system.
For this reason, Henri-Taylor Heating now offer services to lease holders on HIU’s which include Annual Servicing, One off Repairs and Complete Installations. All our engineers have been trained to work on ‘Combination’ style HIU’s where the unit is supplying heating and hot water to the property and on ‘System’ style HIU’s where the unit works in conjunction with a hot water cylinder.

Heat interface units
We work on all major brands such as Altecnic, Bosch, Danfoss, Evinox and Siemens and have a great supply chain which means we can get access to a great range of parts for these units and many more.
We already work in a large number of estates across Sidcup, Gravesend, Bromley and Croydon and have struck up a great relationship with the block managements companies also.